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TIP - How to force new stylesheets to website visitors

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When I was working on a website and changed the look of a few modules in their frontend.css files, I got a reaction from the client that "he didn't see the change". This because his browser cache still used the old stylesheets.
There is a way to force a browser to load the new CSS file, by adding a version number to the css call. Like frontend.css?v3
So I changed frontend.functions.php in /framework, the function preparelink into this:

--- Code: ---                      case 'css':
                          $sRetval .= "\t\t".'<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$oReg->AppUrl.''.$sLinks.'?[[CSSVERSION]]" media="screen">'."\n";

--- End code ---

Then I made droplet CSSVERSION that reads:

--- Code: ---$version="v4";
return $version;

--- End code ---

Every time I now make changes to frontend.css of ANY module, all I need to do is change the version number in the droplet, and visitors will be served the latest CSS files.

I know it. "Can not see changes, looks like before"  ;D

Before years Stefek had a solution for the style.css.
index.php of the template in <head>  area

--- Code: ---    // function fresh_file()
    function fresh_file($file){
        $used_file = TEMPLATE_DIR.'/'.$file;
        $fresh_used_file = WB_PATH.'/templates/'.TEMPLATE.'/'.$file;
        echo $used_file.'?'.filemtime ($fresh_used_file);
--- End code ---

use it:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php fresh_file('style.css');?>" media="screen,projection" />

works automatically.

That's an option too, but that forces a new download even if the file has not changed because the browser sees a different timestamp on every pageload.
I think my solution may be a bit more work, but scores better in terms of server load and loading times ;-)

Also, this only works nicely for your template CSS files. Not for all the frontend.css files that your site uses for every single module.

I think "my way" is better :-D

filemtime changed only if the file was modified.  ;)

Ah, I overlooked that :-)
Still,  the module frontend.css argument stands :-)


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