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Pages gone after upgrade in backend

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--- Quote from: crnogorac081 on January 29, 2025, 11:46:23 AM ---if anyone could provide access to live site with problem I can take a look

--- End quote ---

Anyway pages tree sould be separated based on menu lists , for example if you have Main menu , footer menu, sidebar etc... its a work in progress but it will look like this:


--- Quote ---Now the pages are missing the backend...
--- End quote ---

i hope, i found the problem....
something goes wrong with the file admin/pages/eggsurplus.js
looks good in the source code, looks good in ftp-permission, but the switch to hide a empty page-tree or display it, will not work.
i open this file, edit something, undo the changes and save it again, now it works

We will look at this file, whats happend


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