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CKEditor not secure?


PHP-Version: 8.2.20
WebsiteBaker-Version: 2.13.5 -r220
Last cumulative update-revision: R223 - (16-01-2024 19:02:02)

"This CKEditor 4.22.1 version is not secure. Consider upgrading to the latest one, 4.24.0-lts."

Is there a solution for this?

the ckeditor make's a version check, to get some infos from the ckeditor-group, to display it in the ckeditor-info-windows. if he get no answer from there, it display this error message (in all cms, not only wb)

you can use the fixed version from here ->

or add this line in your wb_ckconfig.js (nearly the line 140 ff)

--- Code: ---config.versionCheck = false;
--- End code ---


--- Quote from: sternchen8875 on July 01, 2024, 01:50:39 PM ---
or add this line in your wb_ckconfig.js (nearly the line 140 ff)

--- Code: ---config.versionCheck = false;
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---

That did the trick, thanks :-)
Can we have that by default? I remember CKEditor had this same problem some time ago...

it is default now in the linked download (my last posting)
and part of the next WB-Versions

for all those who are wondering: what error message...
Here is a picture from the editor

here the official docs


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