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Any idea how to put country flag to menu?

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With letters works. With flags appears like that

use this Code instead of the actual for the flag-menu (is testet)

--- Quote ---<div class="language-switcher fg7 meta" >
                        <li class="menu-sibling">
                            <a href="" class="" title="BG"><img src="" alt="BG" title="BG" style="width:24px;height:24px;"></a>
                        <li class="menu-sibling">
                            <a href="" class="" title="EN"><img src="" alt="EN" title="EN" style="width:24px;height:24px;"></a>
--- End quote ---

after that, you can adjust the flags, when you play with the padding-value in this definition here from style.css / Line 41ff

--- Quote ---.meta ul li {
   /*! padding:0 1em; */   
--- End quote ---

this class was in use only for the mobile menu.

If you want, change the value for "right" (position) in the definition of "language-switcher" in Line 162

--- Quote ---.language-switcher {
  right: 5px;
  top: 5px;
  position: absolute;
--- End quote ---

FANTASTIC! Now it is really OK!

BTW I succeed to repair my local server with the Maria DB and PHPMyADMIN, installed WB 2.13.5  and when I have more time will start to upgrade page by page.


--- Quote from: rumen on May 08, 2024, 04:51:53 PM ---FANTASTIC! Now it is really OK!

--- End quote ---
(Y) (Y)

--- Quote from: rumen on May 08, 2024, 04:51:53 PM ---BTW I succeed to repair my local server with the Maria DB and PHPMyADMIN, installed WB 2.13.5  and when I have more time will start to upgrade page by page.

--- End quote ---

i change my local server in the last year from maria db to mysql, because, the whole database was broken nearly every week. now it works without problem. but it looks, the the newer version of maria db also works now

P.S.: remember, that the latest wb needs at minimum PHP 8.2, so check the possible php-versions on your servers first  ;-)


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