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Lets dump .php pages files

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I am thinking about ways to improve wb, and one of them is to finaly dump phisical .php files in pages.

So if we have real urls structure like

1. /home
2. /form
3. /about
4. /news_page
5. /news_page/post-1
6. /news_page/post-2

That means all pages must be in DB _pages table, including ones that are News post. So single post from News must be inserted as db entry in _pages table.

On page create (add/update) page, variable $page_id or others should be created and inserted in new or other field in _pages table. Lets call it "page_data"

--- Code: ---
// 1. On Page created make array (same variables as in created .php file)

// for pages like code/wysiwyg/form/ news-group etc
$aPageData = [
  'page_id' => 2,
// or for news single post
$aPageData = [
  'page_id' => 2,
  'section_id' => 3,
  'post_id' => 4,
  'post_section' => 5

$sPageData = serialize($aPageData);
// Save to DB in 'page_data'

// 2. On page view, get data from DB

$link = '/page-url'
$oPages= $database->query("SELECT * FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."pages` WHERE `link` = '$link' ");
if (!$oPages OR $oPages->numRows() == 0) {
// Error 404 Page
$page_id= 123; // redirect to 404 page
} else {
$aRow= $oPages ->fetchRow();
$aPageData = unserialize($aRow['page_data']);
$page_id = $aRow['page_id'];

foreach($aPageData as $key => $value)
        $$key = $value;
echo '  $page_id = '.$page_id;
echo ' , $section_id = '.$section_id;
echo ' , $post_id = '.$post_id;
echo ' , $post_section = '.$post_section;
// require('../index.php');

--- End code ---

what do you think

What would be the advantage of this method?
At best, a few milliseconds faster when loading the page. On the other hand, I lose the possibilities offered by modules such as News, OFA etc., e.g. a common overview. A full-text search would certainly be an advantage, but there are already ideas and it is only a question of programming whether I extend a search via a single DB table or via several from other modules. Again, in the end it's only milliseconds that a visitor doesn't notice.

For start to dump .php files, i have instalation with 4000 pages on local machine, it Is 4000 useless node files + files under /posta

Which posibilities you think you will lose ?


--- Quote from: crnogorac081 on April 16, 2024, 10:26:35 AM ---i have instalation with 4000 pages on local machine, it Is 4000 useless node files + files under /posta

--- End quote ---

i understand

--- Quote from: crnogorac081 on April 16, 2024, 10:26:35 AM ---Which posibilities you think you will lose ?

--- End quote ---

every module with own subpages has the posibility, to display a overview from all the item of this module, bakery, news, ofa etc. I think we lose this possibility of an overview if we save the complete content for each page in _pages. But maybe I don't really understand your point yet

Let's go into detail...
We are currently storing the page ID in _pages, then looking for the modules for this page ID in _sections in the order specified there. We then search for the contents section by section.
I don't know how this system is supposed to work if all content is already stored in the _pages. And if we only look at one module, for example the News with 4000 subpages, then you definitely need the access files under /posts, otherwise you will get invalid links or more general links.

But, as I said, maybe I'm misunderstanding your concern and you "just" want to have the news subpages in the _pages table instead of in _mod_news_posts. But that wouldn't change anything about the respective access file.
There is currently the option of having these subpages recreated for modules with their own subpages, such as News, OFA or Bakery (WB info window - Rebuild Access Files). So that after deleting news articles, the subpages under /pages/posts also disappear (if not already deleted). You can also delete content directly in the database and then rearrange the file system.

I will test with all modules when I have time


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