WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > Hilfe & Support (deutsch)
--- Quote from: hgs on March 28, 2024, 02:21:16 PM ---Offizielle Meldungen:
Die Site addon.WebsiteBaker. org ist vorübergehend für Wartungsarbeiten gesperrt!
--- End quote ---
Oh come on, you're among peers here. Just be honest about it. The site crashed and you still have no clue how to fix it. NO responsible website owner throws a website off-line without warning, displaying a generic error message. And you sure as h*** don't leave it in a "we'll be right back'-state for such a long time, especially when it's such a vital part of the CMS software: the modules.
Der Wiki Download für das Patch, das Vollpaket und die funktioniert wieder.
Der Ausfall des Addons Repository ist leider ein Serverproblem, welches nicht in 5 Minuten erledigt ist.
The wiki download for the patch, the full package and the works again.
The failure of the addons repository is unfortunately a server problem that cannot be resolved in 5 minutes.
Das Addons Repository ist wieder online, Danke an die fleissigen "Serverinstandsetzer"
The addons repository is back online, thanks to the hard-working "server repairers"
Herzlichen Dank! (Y)
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