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Upgrading from 2.6.5 - jump to 2.13.x?

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Thanks, sorry for the late night font formatting... I always zoom my screen 150%.

► I looked at the config file, I checked and this is what I see already:

--- Code: ---define('WB_URL', '');
--- End code ---

But when I access the site, it is only showing well using http. As soon as https is used, it is broken CSS.

So I tested the site using whynopadlock:

► So there are 3 errors, and when I "View Source" all the navigation internal links show http, so that's what I'm trying to fix. But I couldn't find where to edit those links. Same issue with the contact FORM. Can't see where to edit it.

► What kind of quote could I give my client to upgrade his site to 2.13.x? It seems best to offer him that option rather than me trying to figure this out. Unless I could convert to WordPress, wonder if that could work.

Thanks again!


What an idiot I am.  :-( I was editing the wrong config.php file!!  :oops:

However, the internal site menu links don't open the pages. I notice to the /wb mention added to every link, and no page opens.

Having to dive under the hood again. Any video tutorials I could check?

not sure, what are you doing there, but it looks, that you try to fix the old WB 2.6.5 before you start the Upgrade

From a visitor-view, it looks like two WB-Installations, first in main-folder of, and second in
The pictures and some other content are linked to the /wb-subfolder, but maybe, it was linked so also in the past, before you start your work

Since WB 2.10.x WB use a placeholder in the database instead of the complete web-adress ({SYSVAR:AppUrl.MediaDir}) of a picture-link, but in former wb-versions, it use a absolute link, for example
in WB 2.6.5:
since WB v2.10.x: {SYSVAR:AppUrl.MediaDir}restor.jpg

Now the little "trick" ;-)
{SYSVAR:AppUrl.MediaDir} is the placeholder  for the combination WB_URL + MEDIA_DIRECTORY. WB_URL come's from the config.php, MEDIA_DIRECTORY from the database, settings-table, means from the advanced WB_Settings
if the script found this combination in the save-process for a module like News or Wysiwyg, it replace it with the placeholder. if the old content has a valide link to a picture to a folder outside from the wb-package-folders, for example like this ->
the script replace only the WB_URL + MEDIA_DIR, but not the next subfolder, here the /wb
and after a upgrade, you have there a link to a picture in the database like this -> {SYSVAR:AppUrl.MediaDir}wb/media/restor.jpg
the only way to change it, is a manual correction of links like this. My solution for cases like this: i make a database backup, open this file with a good editor and search for the absolute path like - for every search-result, i've to check the code around: is it a link to a file? and do i have this file also in my "good" wb-installation, this one in the main-folder of this domain. Maybe, it is a good soltion, if you rename the existed subfolder, called /wb, because: at the moment, all links to that folder are valide and it difficult to find problems then.

--- Quote ---However, the internal site menu links don't open the pages. I notice to the /wb mention added to every link, and no page opens.
--- End quote ---

in older wb-versions, the backend (admin-area) use a own variabla, called ADMIN_DIRECTORY, also defined in the config.php. check the link there also.

P.S.: trouble like this is the result, when you try, to fix the old stuff at first - to many time lost to look for solutions to old stuff

--- Quote ---What kind of quote could I give my client to upgrade his site to 2.13.x? It seems best to offer him that option rather than me trying to figure this out. Unless I could convert to WordPress, wonder if that could work.
--- End quote ---

i cannot understand, why you thinking about a new cms, if the job needs only a couple of minutes. And even if it takes two days with WB, you're still faster than with Wordpress or any other CMS.
Here another "trick", works fine, if you dont have a lot of other modules, mostly the default modules like news, form, menu-link and wysiwyg
- add via FTP a new folder in the main-directory of your webspace, where you've installed the old wb 2.6.5
- call this folder wb_new or something like that
- upload the ZIP from the WB_Package and also the unpacked/renamed unzip.php - see here-> and
- call the unzip.php with the complete adress in your browser - maybe:
- after the unzip-process, start the installer. You can use the same database (if needed), but its important, that you use a different table-prefix. otherwhise, it overwrite the datas from the old WB
- now rebuild the old page tree in the new installation. i work with multiple monitors and use one for the old stuff and one for the new stuff. Be sure, that you select everytime the correct section type
- if you copy the old content from news or wysiwyg-sections, switch the editors to Source Code, copy the whole content and add it to the new wb. check every intern link in the content and if you not sure, select the file again in the filebrowser.

this works for the most pages in your project. for the content of a guestbook, it needs some more experience, but its also possible. Remember: any of the module has no longer support, for example: bakery-shop or newsletter-module. here you need a new solution or you can fix it by yourself

So, now its my weekend. i spend a lot of time for the answers, enough for two or more upgrades  :|

Hi sternchen8875, I did mention I'm an idiot. Sorry to have wasted your time, but I truly appreciate you trying to help.

However, unfortunately, all this is beyond my understanding or ability to transpose it in real life.

My most sincere apologies, another more knowledgeable than me would probably leap on your solutions and implement them without an issue.

Wishing you a great weekend,

With gratitude,



--- Quote from: styzer1137 on December 16, 2023, 05:11:34 PM ---Hi sternchen8875, I did mention I'm an idiot.
--- End quote ---
Dont call it "idiot" - You may not be a WB expert, but 99% of cms-users are not a expert for a special cms - there's no shame in that

--- Quote from: styzer1137 on December 16, 2023, 05:11:34 PM ---Sorry to have wasted your time, but I truly appreciate you trying to help.

--- End quote ---
It's not my time that's wasted - it's yours  :wink:
It's a help forum here and my "job" is to answer questions and help people.

--- Quote from: styzer1137 on December 16, 2023, 05:11:34 PM ---However, unfortunately, all this is beyond my understanding or ability to transpose it in real life.
--- End quote ---

Simple question:
then why not the simple solution? You get the offer that someone will do the upgrade for you. If you provide the access data for the server and database (via private message), all you have to do at the end is check. If you "only" provide the two backups, you will have to upload the corrected version later and update the database. Takes a little more time. Either way, in total less time than you have invested so far.

--- Quote from: styzer1137 on December 16, 2023, 05:11:34 PM ---My most sincere apologies, another more knowledgeable than me would probably leap on your solutions and implement them without an issue.
--- End quote ---
You do not have to apologize. this is not necessary. It may also be that you would like to do this job yourself and would like to familiarize yourself with WB in order to understand it so that you can later do similar jobs for other customers and then it is definitely better if you can do things yourself tried.

--- Quote from: styzer1137 on December 16, 2023, 05:11:34 PM ---Wishing you a great weekend

--- End quote ---

same for you


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