WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > General Help & Support
Upgrading from 2.6.5 - jump to 2.13.x?
Hi all,
It's been years since I've made these two websites using WB (2007). The client would like to see about upgrading to the latest version "if it doesn't create too much problems."
So I'm wondering from others who have done this jump from 2.6.x to 2.13.x - what should I expect to have to do to make it smooth? What is the best course of action to upgrade over so many versions?
And he likes this template to replace the one used presently:
His website is in the process of getting an SSL working, but right now it's at
Thanks for any help! It's been a while!
--- Quote ---It's been years since I've made these two websites using WB (2007). The client would like to see about upgrading to the latest version "if it doesn't create too much problems."
--- End quote ---
the upgrade is not the problem, but maybe, is it not possible, to use the One-Step-Automatic-Upgrade from the newer WB-Versions, because your version is already far too old. If you have a lot of experience with WB, you may be able to troubleshoot possible problems manually. But if not, you need help from a expert.
best solution is a test in a subfolder and with a different database (or rename the table-prefix in a copy of the database-backup-file) Also possible is a copy of this project on another server, but maybe its difficult, to run this project with a newer version of php and mysql.
I have upgraded many old projects like this, but I use a special method to do so when the automatic upgrade is not successful. Very important is a good backup from the actual database (before you start the upgrade) and from all files and folders. i put this backups in a special folder and if needed, i make a copy of this files, so that i've everytime a clean backup as "backup".
I do such difficult upgrades at home on my computer, that means offline. there i can switch the php-version and have fast access to the database.
Possible problem with a old version like yours in a upgrade:
- the database-settings table
- the old modules, if they are not part of the latest wb-package (for example: the old modules using mysql, new version use mysqli)
- older templates using the old showmenu()-function, newer templates show_menu2()
maybe, you can send us a screenshot or list from your /modules-folder of this project, so that we see, what kind of modules are installed.
P.S.: in the best case, where everything works and only default modules from the latest wb in use, the upgrade needs around 5 minutes
If you need help, build a ZIP-file with the backup-files (Folders && database) and send me a download-link
Thanks! So there is hope... Great! But it could be a bumpy ride if everything has to be fixed along the way... Hmmm.
I'm going through the website right now, and noticed hundreds of spam comments. Is there a way to BULK DELETE all these comments?
I will take care of this to remove useless content first. Then I lock (disable) the commenting.
Thank you,
Where can I find information:
1- where can I modify the menu links? They all use non-SSL but I have looked for over an hour multiple time and read the PDF and search the forum unsuccessfully.
2- How can I batch delete 1423 spam comments?
Thank you in advance to anyone for any help, I feel literally lost after all these years.
crazy font styling.... :|
--- Quote ---where can I modify the menu links?
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intern links or extern links?
a intern menu-link use the WB_URL from the config.php. if this WB_URL has a https, all intern menu-links has it also - that means: you have nothing to change there, except this WB_URL in your config-file
for extern links: only step by step. its not recommended to use a batch-function like search&&replace in the sql-backup, because, you've to check every extern menu-link for this https-adress
--- Quote ---How can I batch delete 1423 spam comments?
--- End quote ---
i do it directly in the database
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