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showmenue2 major issue



I am running 2.13.4 r199 and everything is fine.
Just installed showmenue2 4.13.2 and it seems it crashed my install.

There was an uncatched exception
Table 'munich_wb.{TP}pages' doesn't exist
in line (828) of (/framework/class.database.php):

it seems, there is a problem with {TP}pages' doesn't exist, how can I fix that?

CanĀ“t deinstall showmenue2 anymore, its not in the list of istalled modules... No I am lost...
Does anyone has a hot hint for me please?

Thank you & greetings

just removed <?php show_menu2(); ?>
in my template and page its working  :-/ there a new syntax for showmenue2 4.13.2 ??? Sorry, its seems its a dummy issue!? maybe someone can bring me to the right path again.
Thank you


--- Quote from: StephanMuc on November 25, 2023, 04:19:44 PM ---I am running 2.13.4 r199

--- End quote ---

this wb-version has a included show_mnu2-module, not needed, to install it

your used version 4.13.2 is the module from a fork and will not work with this wb-version

best solution now:
delete via FTP the folder modules/show_menu2
download the actual wb-package (if needed) from here ->
unpack this zip-file to the local machine in a separat folder
upload the folder modules/show_menu2 from the unzipped folder via FTP to your webspace
go to Addons -> Advanced, activate all ckeckboxes and click Reload

you found the documentation for show_menu2 inside of the folder modules/show_menu2/docu


Thank you, fixed.


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