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Admin directory unavailable for anyone but user #1

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I'd like to shield the complete /admin from anyone but the actual superadmin. It's OK if they can see the login page, but as soon as they log in with user credentials other than superadmin, I want to kick them to the frontend.

Any suggestions?

Google how to protect folder using .htaccess and password.

When you type .../admin you will be prompted for password

also my favorite solution and the savest


--- Quote from: crnogorac081 on November 22, 2023, 08:34:59 PM ---Google how to protect folder using .htaccess and password.

When you type .../admin you will be prompted for password

--- End quote ---

Hi, thanks, I thought of that but hoped there would be a more 'elegant' way possible without double logins :)

do you have registered users or the possibility for a frontend login / registration?


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