WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > Modules

Wher can i find the hello world module?

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simple question: why not the foldergallery?

it's exact, what you want

I've installed foldergallery on my offline test server but it doesen't work. It gives me an error on the frontend page.

--- Code: ---There was an uncatched exception
Call to undefined function wb_utf8_decode()
in line (28) of (\modules\foldergallery\class\DirectoryHandler.php)

--- End code ---

So i'm unable to test it.
And another important thing, it's a good occasion to learn how to make WB-modules.

Wich WB Version did you use? Foldergallery needs minimum PHP 2.13.0

My WB-Version is 2.13.3 r166.
In the meantime is solved the error with foldergallery.
When I replace  "wb_utf8_decode()" with " utf8_decode()" on the line where the erros is located everything works.

do you use a windows-server?

wb_utf8_decode() is a wb-intern function, defined in /framework/functions.php


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