WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > Modules

problem: form modul v3.2.14 does'nt show the titles

<< < (2/2)

Thank you for your answer.
But indeed I have problems finding the SETTINGS-Button. Please have a look at my screenshot. Of course I use german language but there isn't a Optionen-button, too. Am I searching at the wrong place? Or is something wrong with my wb-installation or maybe with me  :-o ? Btw it's "Form Modul v3.3.0".

your account has no permission for that - i'm sure, it is a "simple" User-Account, not a Admin or Super-Admin.

If you're also the Admin or SuperAdmin, you can change the permission for the group under ACCESS -> GROUPS -> select the favorite Group -> Click "Show advanced settings"-Button (nearly to the bottom of the page), then set the new settings for this module

or you use this Admin-Account, to set the form-settings ;-)

if you're not the Admin oder superAdmin, ask him oder her for permission

 (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y)
That's it. Thank you very very much. And I'm sorry.

And by this amount still a bug in the form module discovered.
With a new install a layout is set with this version,
with the update unfortunately not yet,
but is noted for the next version with the developers.

A fixed form module 3.4.1 is available in the addon


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