WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > Modules

Module 'News with images'

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News with images:

- in each post you will find two options to upload an image (must be jpg),
- each image is (if it is bigger than the target size) resized to 200px, 500px, 1000px, 1500 px
- call the image in your template:
[AFBEELDING_200] (image 1 at 200px width) - full url
[AFBEELDING_500] (image 1 at 500px width) - full url
[AFBEELDING_1000] (image 1 at 1000px width) - full url
[AFBEELDING_1500] (image 1 at 1500px width) - full url
[AFBEELDING2_200] (image 2 at 200px width) - full url
[AFBEELDING2_500] (image 2 at 500px width) - full url
[AFBEELDING2_1000] (image 2 at 1000px width) - full url
[AFBEELDING2_1500] (image 2 at 1500px width) - full url

[IMAGE_NAME] - only the name of the image
[IMAGE_NAME2] - only the name of the image

the name of the images are: the original name_page id_post id (pictureofyourmother _23_987)

- a second short content field, call in your template with [CONTENT_SHORT2]
- a second long content field, call in your template with [CONTENT_LONG2]
- a customisable read more textfield (if not filled in the default is 'lees meer', if you want to have another default edit modify_post @688)
- ten extra textfields to widen the usabillity of the module, I use these fields all the time to standardize the way people put in their content. Anyone can think of a million handy options for these fields. (these fields only appear in the modify_post if they have a name in the settings page
call these fields in the template:
name of the field (settingspage): [VELD1NAAM]
input  from modify_post: [VELD1]
ten in total so these fields go to [VELD10NAAM]: [VELD10]

you can turn off the extra options such als content_short2 in the settingspage

This one is based on the new newsmodule that is included in the latest wb-package, not all the old functions are implemented yet (tags, eventdates, fotogallery and some other functions will come in the next version.

I noticed that the drag and drop function is not working, as soon as that is solved in the regular newsmodule I will fix it here too

as far as I can see it installs and updates correctly, if not: sorry, please install the backup and don't be angry at me...

note: if the staff likes my ideas they are free to use my version

Installation nicht möglich.Fehlermeldu ng in rot im BE

--- Code: ---[228] news [Module] News v3.9.22 eine Aktualisierung ist nicht möglich
--- End code ---
Bitte das Modul nicht wie das Originalmodul in der info.php benennen.
Ich habe es auf

$module_directory   = 'news_neu';
$module_name        = 'news_neu';
$module_function    = 'page';
$module_version     = '3.9.2';
umbenannt.Damit ging die Installation.

if you make it

it will do


I set it back from 2222

Nur die VersionsNr hochstellen reicht nicht aus,

bitte ein "neuse Modul" (Fork) durch umbennenen vom Modulnamen daraus machen,

da deine Arbeit sonst beim Update auf die nächste WB-Version überschrieben wird.

Das sind die Error-Meldungen, wenn ich mit dem Modul spiele.

--- Code: ---"created: [Tue, 29 Nov 2022 12:49:21 +0000]
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 12:55:56 +0000 [E_WARNING] /modules/news_neu/modify_post.php:[201]  from /modules/news_neu/modify_post.php:[201] bin\Exceptions\ErrorHandler::handler "Undefined array key "afbeelding""
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 12:55:56 +0000 [E_WARNING] /modules/news_neu/modify_post.php:[202]  from /modules/news_neu/modify_post.php:[202] bin\Exceptions\ErrorHandler::handler "Undefined array key "afbeelding2""
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 12:55:56 +0000 [E_WARNING] /modules/news_neu/modify_post.php:[214]  from /modules/news_neu/modify_post.php:[214] bin\Exceptions\ErrorHandler::handler "Undefined array key "SUBTITLE""
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 12:55:56 +0000 [E_WARNING] /modules/news_neu/modify_post.php:[482]  from /modules/news_neu/modify_post.php:[482] bin\Exceptions\ErrorHandler::handler "Undefined array key "evendate""
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 12:55:56 +0000 [E_WARNING] /modules/news_neu/modify_post.php:[498]  from /modules/news_neu/modify_post.php:[498] bin\Exceptions\ErrorHandler::handler "Undefined array key "evendate2"""
--- End code ---

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