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--- Quote ---The association, WebsiteBaker e.V., has chosen a logo
--- End quote ---

"We, the King...."

Great way to build a community and keep users/contributors motivated. /s

I will do stuff asap but for now I have to compete with the clock to make my deadlines...

good to see the improvementsssssss

In Deutschland gibt es ein Sprichwort:
"Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen"

Es geht langsam voran, aber in die richtige Richtung. Also lass dich nicht von der Uhr hetzen und Danke für deinen Einsatz für WebsiteBaker.

There is a saying in Germany:
"The squirrel feeds with difficulty".

Things are moving slowly, but in the right direction. So don't let the clock rush you and thank you for your commitment to WebsiteBaker.

Hi Vlob
What are the resours doing? Does the clock give you some more time for the final graphics set.

One idea might be to have a great header image to choose from depending on the season.
Or different header images for the different subpages.

been quite sick, need some weeks for full recovery...


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