WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > General Help & Support
the website baker website
I believe I shared template with some people here, if someone has free server I can upload it again. But also every section needs to be adapted for to new design
You have received a pm with the access data to the test server
see reply
Ok, die Herausforderung wurde von crnogorac081 angenommen und er hat diese Vorlage ins Rennen geschickt.
Link zum Projekt
Leider war es nötig eine komplette WebsiteBaker Installation auf den Testserver anzulegen und Fehler durch die USB-Version ( Groß- Kleinschreibung wird bei Windows nicht beachtet, bei Linux leider schon) zu korrigieren.
Das ist aber nicht unser Ziel, deshalb bitte Vorlagen gestallten, die auf einer von uns installierten aktuellen Instanz von WebsiteBaker laufen.
Die WebsiteBaker Insatllation wird immer den aktuellen Stand haben und die aktuell auf dem Testserver befindliche höchste php-version z.Z. php 8.1.7
Wir freuen uns auf weitere Vorschläge, also lass dich herausfordern und schreibe mir eine pm, wenn du die Zugangsdaten benötigst.
In disem Sinne
Habe weiter Freude an WebsiteBaker
Translated with (free version)
Ok, the challenge was accepted by crnogorac081 and he sent this template into the race.
Link to the project
Unfortunately it was necessary to create a complete WebsiteBaker installation on the test server and to correct errors caused by the USB version (Windows is case-insensitive, Linux is, unfortunately).
This is not our goal, so please create templates that run on a current instance of WebsiteBaker installed by us.
The WebsiteBaker installation will always have the latest version and the highest php version currently on the test server is php 8.1.7.
We look forward to more suggestions, so be challenged and drop me a pm if you need the credentials.
In this sense
Keep enjoying WebsiteBaker
--- Quote from: dbs on December 01, 2022, 04:52:30 PM ---The header image is not very good, I agree.
Everything else is a matter of taste.
--- End quote ---
No it's not. It's a matter of recognizing terribly outdated design. Not everyone is a graphic designer, I get that. Some are great coders, others can do wonders with graphics.
I for one am very happy with the very skilled coders in this community, but please set aside the pride and agree that the WB website(s!) need upgrades, as well as the backend of the CMS.
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