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I already made the template but the code in individual pages must be adapted (for styling)
Do we have original hi-res image for wb box in header image(preferably without background) ?if so ,please send me.
the actuel header image is part of the former version of the old wb-homepage, but there was no original files in psd-format, so that it was not possible, to build a bigger version of that.
i was building a version of this in 2020 with GIMP and with some small changes and in differents versions (with or without english text). Please take a look at this and tell me, if interest. i'll send then the whole package with all Gimp-files and part to hgs. Original Picture size ist 2000 x 612 Px
The pictures here are only screenshots
or without "hardcoded" text on the picture, if you want to use HTML-Text on this place
--- Quote from: dbs on December 01, 2022, 04:52:30 PM ---I ask you to watch your tone. Your words show no respect for the work of others.
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It is not a question about respect towards a bad crappy design, it is about respect towards yourself and the visitors that stumble upon the website and are now not left with any feeling of confidence...
anyone who does not see that needs new eyes...
Eine Verallgemeinerung bring uns keinen Schritt weiter. Ja, dass Bild war ein Kompromiss, weil es die Originale irgendwo auf einer HDD gibt. Der ehemalige USER wollte sich aber leider nicht die Mühe machen, diese zu suchen.
Und über Geschmack kann man ohne Ende und Ergebnis diskutieren.
Ein deutsche Sprichwort besagt:
"So wie man in den Wald reinruft, so schallt es zurück."
Ich bin gespannt auf das Template von crnogorac081
Und gerne sehen wir uns als Verein auch eine Vorlage von dir an, Vlob.
Also lass dich herausfordern, die Bilder sollten nur abmahnsicher sein, die Anwälte haben zu viel Zeit im Web nach Copyright-Verletzungen zu suchen.
Generalizing doesn't get us any further. Yes, that picture was a compromise, because there is the original somewhere on an HDD. But the former USER unfortunately did not want to make the effort to search for them.
And about taste one can discuss without end and result.
A German proverb states:
"As one calls into the forest, so it resounds back."
I am curious about the template of crnogorac081
And we'd be happy to look at a template from you as a club, too, Vlob.
So be challenged, the images should only be warning safe, the lawyers have too much time to search the web for copyright infringements.
Translated with (free version)
--- Quote from: hgs on December 02, 2022, 07:06:08 PM ---... template ...
--- End quote ---
The template is nog the only problem, I am also curious about how it will turn out
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