WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > Hilfe & Support (deutsch)
Habe mein Backend zerschossen...
--- Quote from: crnogorac081 on September 28, 2022, 07:15:24 AM ---I dont believe this is hard to code, or even have own server. You only need one page and dedicated module on WB website. Example www.WebsiteBaker.or g/check.php which will have one db table
Id -primary key
Module name
Url ( from addons subsite)
And on call will respond with json object like:
1, WebsiteBaker, 2.13.2, addons.WebsiteBaker org/....
2, news, 4, addons.WebsiteBaker org/...
This could be populated manualy by Wb website admin or fetched from addons.WebsiteBaker .org website
And users module which will compare json object with installed one
--- End quote ---
I believe no new table is needed, as data can be used from db table from addons listing. Im volunteering to build this if someone gives me access to addons website
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