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Help with menu?

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Please some help with menu of the template
Hi there,
I installed on  of the templates - "schoppig". When I click on any of the internal pages the "drop-down" appears  but on the first page it doesn't and it doesn't work.

The code is the standard for the template I just added $multilang and sm2_root+1 because of the language.

--- Code: ---$mainnav = show_menu2(
$aMenu          = 1,
$aStart         = SM2_ROOT+1+$Multilang,
$aMaxLevel      = SM2_ALL,
$aOptions       = SM2_ALL|SM2_PRETTY|SM2_BUFFER,
$aItemOpen      = '<li><a href="[url]" class="[class]" target="[target]">[menu_title]</a>',
$aItemClose     = '</li>',
$aMenuOpen      = '<ul>',
$aMenuClose     = '</ul>',
$aTopItemOpen   = false,
$aTopMenuOpen   = '<ul class="chevron">'
  $metanav = show_menu2(
$aMenu          = 2,
$aStart         = SM2_ROOT+1+$Multilang,
$aMaxLevel      = SM2_START,
$aOptions       = SM2_ALL|SM2_BUFFER,
$aItemOpen      = '<li><a href="[url]" class="[class]" target="[target]">[menu_title]</a>',
$aItemClose     = '</li>',
$aMenuOpen      = '<ul>',
$aMenuClose     = '</ul>',
$aTopItemOpen   = false,
$aTopMenuOpen   = '<ul class="chevron right">'
--- End code ---

What else need to fix it?

Thanks in advance!



Hi, try

--- Code: ---$aStart         = SM2_ROOT+$Multilang,
--- End code ---

And take a look at the DefaultTemplate.

No, without +1 after sm2_root it shows just the Language and nothing happens, just try to download some html file when click.

This is what I mean


--- Quote ---And take a look at the DefaultTemplate.
--- End quote ---
Do this.
Search in the index.php for $Multilingual. This is also a number, therfore makes your solution with +1+Multilingual no sense.
You should find a code part where $Multilingual becomes 1 or 0.


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