WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > Modules

form and mpform problems on android


when entering email address (sender) on android both forms give" invalid email address" so forms cannot be sent.
on laptop and pc no problems form is sent normally

I cannot confirm this problem.
Current version of WebsiteBaker 2.13.1 r103 including p114 and php 8.0.x.

The form is submitted from Android

What version WB and php are you running

Maybe a browser plugin fills the honeypot fields?
Maybe a autofill plugin.

I had that issue with another App. Jump to Android settings / Cache management and clear the cache. This solution fixed my issue.


Martin Hecht:
It could be that the virtual keyboard on Android appends a space character to the email address (which is not a valid character in email addresses).
Of course this blank should not be part of the email address - the keyboard just appends a space after each word you are typing in. Nobody would expect that it would be possible to submit email Addresses which contain a space at the end. So, we safely can discard space characters.
This is implemented since mpform 1.3.39 (November last year). So, maybe updating mpform helps for you, too?


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