General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase
Web Consulting Agency
Web Consulting Agency
Very attractive site.
You might consider making the alternating row color contrast a little higher on the contact page and the cells could use a bit of padding, but that's a picky detail.
Your Flash menu is attractive. However, I'm not a fan of using Flash in places like this where it gives little value. You would get most of the benefits of Flash with a CSS rollover and speed up load time and keep the site more accessible.
What I can see is attractive, but I can't see the Flash - I assume that's what's in the blank spots.
I can't install a new version of flash on this machine.
Also, its a little odd to see an English title with Portugese(?) text. Is that intentional?
i think there is an issue with your flash menu, i need to click it 2 times to change pages. the first time it jumps the page back to the top, the second it takes me to the new page.
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