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New Template gone

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Hello, something strange is going on. I work with WB 2.13.0 r63 and it works fine, only if I install a new template then I see it in overview, I can delete it, I see it when I log in with FTP but I don't see it as I want to create a page and then choose the new template. Can choose old template but not the newly installed one, it does not appear in pages, but if I want to delete it.... what could this be? Thank you in advance for your cooperation

Give us some more omformation.
Where is the new template from (source)
How was the new template installed.
via FTP or via Admin--> Add template
Were there any error messages?
If yes, which ones?

i have download it from
template name is Pixelgreen.
Install via Admin, and than install template, installation was good, no errors and i see the template when i click for Template Details and i can Uninstall the template as wel.
Also when i go to the systeem settings, i can select Pixelgreen as default template, but i can't select Pixelgreen when i make 1 page and selecter after that de pixelgreen template.


Please have a look to info.php of this template. Ther you can read:

--- Code: ---$template_platform = '2.7.x';
--- End code ---
So this template is designed for an very old WB-Version. To make it work under WB 2.13 you need to adapt a lot of things.
To make it show in the backend please add the following line to info.php:

--- Code: ---$template_function = 'template';
--- End code ---
Also the used menu call is outdatet and must be changed:
Search for:

--- Code: ---<?php show_menu
--- End code ---
and replace it with:

--- Code: ---<?php show_menu2
--- End code ---
As the Parameters of show_menu and show_menu2 are different you also have to adapt this parameters

--- Code: ---(1,0,1,true,'<li [class]>[a][menu_title][/a]</li>','','','','','id="current"')
--- End code ---
and as the id's and classes of show_menu2 are also different you need to adapt the .css file.

I'm pretty shure that much more must be adapted to get this template work under WB 2.13


Here you can find templates that work with WB 2.13


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