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most recent downloads and FAQ status

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--- Quote from: dbs on August 13, 2021, 09:20:02 AM ---Hi, for latest Downloads you can use this attached droplet.
Instal it via Admin-Tools > Droplets > Import Selected Drolet
and use then this call in html: [[latest-downloads?limit=5]]

or try the droplet code in a code or code2 section.
--- Code: ---<?php //not this first line. only for colored code here

global $wb, $database;
$header = "<h3>Last Downloads</h3>";
$limit = ($limit)?:'3';  
$sort = isset($sort) ? $sort :'DESC'; // DESC = Newest first

$sqlFiles = 'SELECT * FROM `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'mod_download_galler y_files` WHERE `active` = 1 ORDER BY `modified_when` '.$sort.' LIMIT ' . $limit;
$oRes = $database->query($sqlFiles);

$html = '<div id="last-downloads">' . $header;

if ($oFiles = $database->query($sqlFiles)) {

$html .= '<ul>';
    while ($aFiles = $oRes->fetchRow(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
        $changedate= date("d.m.y ", $aFiles['modified_when']) . '<br />';
        $title = $aFiles['title'];
        $desc = "<br /><small>".$aFiles['description']."</small>";
        //$root = $aFiles['root_parent'];
        $weblink = $aFiles['link'];
        $html .=  "<li>"
              .   $changedate
              .   "<span><a title=\"Download: ".$title."\" href=\"".$weblink."\"> " . $title . " </a></span>"
              . $desc 
              . "</li>";
$html .= '</ul>';
} else {
    $html .= 'No results';
$html .= "</div>";

echo $html;

--- End code ---

--- End quote ---

Can I ask for a little more help? The download page is elsewhere. The latest news is on the home page. I guess I need to modify the code to ask for the id for the downloads page? I was getting some results as I placed another download in the sidebar of the home page initially but when I remove that one then the code you gave I guess is unaware of the location of the other download page. Thank you.

Arggghh. I goofed but found another error - I failed to remove a space when I tried to fix the following error. Now the news title and link shows but the link goes to a wrong page but the link on the downloads page that does work is

Thanks for any help.


Unfortunately, we can't do anything with the linked pages.

Can you send us the correct links, gladly also as pm. Then we can possibly look a little more closely.

Thank you. I have PM'd you.

Hello, i saw the link from your pn.

Your download links contains white spaces. This is not the way how DownloadGallery save new files.
What is your version of Download Gallery?


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