WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > General Help & Support
I updated one of my installations from 2.8.3 and it works on portable webserver ,but when I put it on live server I get this error
There was an uncatched exception
Interface 'src\Interfaces\Requester' not found
in line (43) of (/framework/HttpRequester.php):
I cant see FE or BE, but when i open upgrade script it says wb is already installed.. PHP is 7.4, but I tried 7,3 and 7,2 it doesnt work either...
what could be the problem here ??
I had r29 just fixed it by ugrading to latest..
Please take the released Verson r48
We have brought in the test center100th WB 2.8.3 to WB 2.13 without these problems.
But we also now only use the recommended method with unzip.php This ensures that all files are unzipped in the correct place.
Here again in short form from the subfolder /DOCU
--- Quote ---+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4] Update of a WebsiteBaker version 2.8.3 or higher
This update package contains a complete WebsiteBaker version 2.13.0 and can be updated from any WebsiteBaker version 2.8.3 or higher.
Additional instructions for upgrading WebsiteBaker versions older than 2.8.3 can be found in [6].
a) IMPORTANT :: Always make a backup of the webspace and the database !!!
b) Download the WebsiteBaker package to your workstation and extract everything into an empty folder.
c) - download WB ZIP package &
- rename to unzip.php
- upload WB ZIP package & unzip.php to your WB root folder (documentroot)
- run unzip.php in your browser ( (replace with your own domain)
- after unzip click the button Backend in bottom right corner
The unzip.php and the WB ZIP can delete themselves after the successful execution of the unzip.php if the checkboxes are ticked.
d) Switch the PHP version of the web server to at least PHP 7.2 or higher. We recommend PHP 7.4
e) Sign up as SuperAdmin (ID 1) in the backend and start the upgrade script by clicking on the link and follow the instructions.
f) Some add-on packages do not come with this version and must be updated manually.
Some new versions are available at
--- End quote ---
I am experiencing same error with r60
With php v7.3
--- Code: --- Fatal error: Interface 'src\Interfaces\Requester' not found in /home/promorjv/public_html/framework/HttpRequester.php on line 43
--- End code ---
With php v7.4
--- Code: ---There was an uncatched exception
Interface 'src\Interfaces\Requester' not found
in line (43) of (/framework/HttpRequester.php):
--- End code ---
what could be the problem here ?
A query for understanding.
Do you always upgrade from the mentioned version 2.8.3
is it a migrating bug?
Upgrade from 2.8.3 to 2.13 r29 then to r48 and then r60
Originaltext in Deutsch
Eine Rückfrage zum Verständnis.
Macht du immer ein upgrade von der erwähnten Version 2.8.3
ist es ein mitwandernder Fehler?
Upgrade von 2.8.3 auf 2.13 r29 dann auf r48 und dann r60
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