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Menu items prompt download of php file. Upgrading from 2.8 solution?

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Hi, if my post needs to be moved, please do. I could not find how to start a new topic in 2.8.

► I'm stuck here with a site that has been having issues. I'm running PHP 5.2 on it, but when I click on a menu item, it prompts a download request for the php page instead of opening that page.

The site is here:

On Mac OS, instead of a download prompt, he gets this message:

--- Code: ---<?php
$page_id = 4;
--- End code ---

Before moving to WordPress, I'd like to fix this for my client if possible.

Is it possible to upgrade directly from 2.8 to 2.12? And would this fix the issue? I don't want to make him pay for work that won't fix it.

Thanks in advance!


Hi, witch hoster allows you to use PHP 5.2?

Your way should be upgrade to WB 2.8.3 (PHP 5.6) and then to 2.12.x (PHP 7.3).,23412.0.html

Next steps are finding updates of the used modules.

Thank you for your reply,

Bear in mind I built this site 8+ years ago, and never used WB after that.

My apologies - I am using PHP 5.6 (, and upon request).

So how can I create a FULL back of the site in case something goes wrong?

► What are Droplets?

► "Backup your changed Files in modules and templates folder like .css, .js and .htt"

How do you identify the files that were changed? Are these all in the same folder?

As for modules, what if there are no new versions? (anynews)

Many thanks,


I scanned your site briefly.
I noticed one thing:

The calling domain is
.. In the menu links of the page, however, the domain appears.

Am I correctly assuming that no PHP is installed or activated on the web space of the domain

If I remove the hyphen from the wrong domain names for the menu links, every pageview works perfectly.

So first of all you should look for where the domain name is being falsified. (Possibly. Config.php?)

have a nice day,
from Manuela

PS: Just I checked your config.php. Following changes must be made:

define('WB_URL', '');
define('WB_URL', '');

define('ADMIN_URL', '');
define('ADMIN_URL', '');

Swap red for blue and your site again will work fine.


--- Quote from: DarkViper on March 09, 2021, 08:29:56 PM ---I scanned your site briefly.
I noticed one thing:

PS: Just I checked your config.php. Following changes must be made:

define('WB_URL', '');
define('WB_URL', '');

define('ADMIN_URL', '');
define('ADMIN_URL', '');

Swap red for blue and your site again will work fine.

--- End quote ---


EDIT: I'm able to access the admin page by removing the php at the end of admin, and it becomes

Can I find my login info from a file on the server?


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