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Update auf 2.13.0 r31

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Please write me a pm with which USER you log in, then I can look. Thanks
I can't find the USER CodeALot in the user management.

With my dislay name there are no problems with spaces (see attachment)

I created account under tester area but I cant log in too.


--- Quote from: crnogorac081 on May 25, 2021, 08:54:38 AM ---I created account under tester area but I cant log in too.

--- End quote ---
You already have an account. Your last Login 2021/03/26



--- Quote from: crnogorac081 on May 25, 2021, 08:54:38 AM ---I created account under tester area but I cant log in too.

--- End quote ---

Do you have the same message as CodeALot?

--- Quote ---I'm so Sorry
This shouldn't have happened.!
Sorry, you do not have permission to view this page (Tester Area)
Please try again later or go to the Home page.
--- End quote ---

I see the login data of Luisehahne confirmed in the database.


so far I have this code            

--- Code: ---if (class_exists('\Twig\Environment') && is_readable($sAddonThemePath.'/groups.twig'))
// create twig template object
$loader = new \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader($sAddonThemePath);
$twig   = new \Twig\Environment($loader, [
'autoescape'       => false,
'cache'            => false,
'strict_variables' => false,
'debug'            => false,
'auto_reload'      => true,
$aJsonRespond['out'] = $twig->render('groups.twig', $aTplData);
} else {
// Twig not exists
$aJsonRespond['out'] = '<br>TWIG is not initialized!';

--- End code ---

I am wondering is there a possibility that instead

--- Code: ---$aJsonRespond['out'] = $twig->render('groups.twig', $aTplData);

--- End code ---
I use

--- Code: ---$groups_twig = ' .... '; / content of  groups.twig file stored in database
$aJsonRespond['out'] = $twig->render($groups_twig, $aTplData);

--- End code ---
So far we have modules with header/ loop/ footer that are using placeholders , but only as str_replace(vars, values , setting_field) , and twig is much more advanced.

So is there possibility to use php variable instead of file, so that template can be editable in backend ?


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