WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > Modules
Problem with page cloner
i installed page cloner (v0.64-WB2.12.2) on WB 2.13.0.
When I clone a site it looks like the screenshot see below. The news sites cannot be opened or edited neither be deleted!
Can anyone please help me to fix that and how can I deleat these pages now again??
Thank you
Hi, first the problem with cloning.
Try the attached version 0.66.
Then we look how you can delete the old pages.
This worked brilliant! After deleting the former page cloner modul and installing the newer version the former test-pages which I couldn't remove, are also gone !
Thank you for the quick support!
Sorry, my answer was too quick. The page cloner ist working now fine, but the former tests are still there. How can I delete them?
Seems the only way is to delete this pages is possible directly in the database.
I hope you are firm with phpMyAdmin or whatever your hoster provide to edit the database.
If you are in your database go to table
wb_pages (wb_ is here your database prefix)
and delete this tree pages with page_id 100 to 102.
That's it.
They have no sections, therfore nothing else is to do.
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