WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > General Help & Support
include/phplib/ needed for anynews
Was there any specific reason to leave the include/phplib/ out of the new version?
Without the anynews snippet won't run
I included it manually now and all is fine but was wondering if there was good reason not to ...
Hello, do you really think it is a good idea to put old stuff into the new system?
Why you don't change the call. Instead of call Template.php.
You will find the right place in anynews.
Hi dbs,
No I do not think that is a good idea, If I thought it was a good idea I wouldn't have asked it...
As I needed a quick working solution I threw the old one in, thanks
attached you find the for WB 2.13.0 adapted version of anynews.
For the update please follow these instructions:
1.) Make a backup of your own templates (modules/cwsoft-anynews/templates/display_mode_X.htt) X=the number of the template. Number 1-4 and 99 comes with the Module, all other numbers are your own templates.
2.) Delete the whole modules/cwsoft-anynews folder
3.) Install the attached version
4.) Copy the backups of your own templates in the modules/cwsoft_anynews/templates folder
5.) Have fun
In this version the modul directory changes from "cwsoft-anynews" to "cwsoft_anynews". Because of this an simple upgrade isn't possible. This Modul Version requieres WB 2.13.x. On earlier WB versions this modul didn't work.
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