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Bookings module for WB 2.12.2

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I have to update a site from WB 2.8.3 to 2.12.2 which is using the Bookings plugin (

Has anyone tested this plugin on 2.12.2 with php 7.3 or higher?

I will build a website for testing purposes, what exactly is the problem?
I will start with WB 2.8.3 php 5.6 and then update to WB 2.12.2 php7.3.

I write about

Hi, you can try this version.
Works with WB 2.13 and PHP 7.4.
Not tested to install, maybe some fixes are needed. Upgrade should work.
Save your css changes! The backend view is horrable but works. Also here some changes needed.
But for testing it is good enough.

@Harald: please test also this version.

Hello you two!

Thanks a lot, hopefully it works. This site also uses Foldergallery so I am waiting a little bit to upgrade to 2.12.2 until I know how to fix the problem with it.

Would installing the Bookings plugin that I have on an already upgraded WB break the site just to see if it works with PHP 7.4?

I saw there was a newer version 2.41 from Blackbird.
With a little change in upgrade.php it works in WB.

You should never testing, updating modules or upgrading WB on the live site.
This have to be done in a test environment (e.g. a copie of your live site in a subdomain or in the WB Portable).
Ever. And in this case you not need the question for break or similar.


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