WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop

Shop email error

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I have error when changing shop email address. So when i change the email address to new one and press save, comes this error message:

--- Code: ---Unknown column 'no_revocation' in 'field list'
--- End code ---

..and old email address stays in the shop email field.

What to do?

do you use an older Bakery version?

this field "no_revocation" was implementent in version 1.79
maybe, it helps, if you start the manuel upgrade under Addons -> Modules -> Advanced -> manuel Upgrade -> Choose Bakery - RUN

if i look into the code, its (for me) possible, that the script not work in MYSQL-STRICT-MODE - check the aktual MYSQL setting in wb-infowindow, search there for Database Client Version and post the information from there

Hi jacobi22,

Thanks for fast reply.

Bakery version: 1.84

Is it this one(?):
Datenbank-Client Version: mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407

Do I have to update Bakery again?

Sorry, my fault - i was in the Wrong line  :-(

this ist the Info about STRICT

--- Quote ---Server-Version: 10.4.8-MariaDB [STRICT]
--- End quote ---

but, yes, manuel upgrade is the possible solution

if this will not help, you can add this field directly into the database - but try at first

some additional info:

in bakery general settings, you have a settings for e-goods - yes or no (means: digitale products). for these article, there is no chance for a revocation when purchasing digital goods. if you select here "e-goods", it will show a checkbox in the frontend on the summary page to confirm, that you know: there is no revocation possible

in your case, the field for this setting is missing in database mod_bakery_general_ settings, because of this, you get the error everytime, when you try to save something in bakery general settings


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