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SAVE - but save it ALL (ONE save for all modules)

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Hi ladies and gentlemen,

I have a simple "request" for further WB development (it somewhat connects with this topic:,30715.msg214093.html#msg214093)

Is there a possibility to save ALL the changes you made in different modules with only ONE click on ANY of the "save" buttons?

En detail:
Go to PAGES and edit any (!) but multiple areas of the content within the modules you have inserted there.
E.g.: You change something in the WYSIWYG-editor, you change a title of a MiniHero, etc...

After that, you click ANY of the many SAVE-buttons - and everything you changed will be saved at once.

This would be heaven!

AND: It would also be true WYSIWYG, because you can change simultaneously different content without having to scroll to the very section again, before resuming work. Because after hitting the save button, the page usually loads AND does NOT go to the exact position where you have left off.


the problem is: you can send only one POST and this content must have all the datas

let me use an example... my largest page has 14 sections, a mix between wysiwyg, code and image gallerys.
every section has the option to save the changes in a single process.

In a lot of modules, i change the content on subpages of this module, so in news, OFA, topics, form settings, bakery etc.
to coming back from this subpage to the section overview for this page with the "general save-button", i've to leave this subpage without saving and lost my changes

another example: news module - i change 3 news. now, i have two possible way's - save every single news or save all news on the overview. At the moment, i open a special item, have some hidden infos like section-id, item_id, summary ~15 hidden or visible fields in the POST to save this item. To use a solution like yours, i've to save this changes for one single item somewhere in the cache, local storage etc, to use it later in the "general save process".
These is only the news module...

Next section type is wysiwyg, in the section list on position 1, 3, 4, 8 , 9. Every section has ~ 10 fields to save - i dont know it exactly, is only an example...
Save this also in my cache or locale storage, some little changes here, some little changes there and every time you get more and more datas in your storage - and the risk, to lost something - in worst case, the changes from the last two hours or more, if the session is not ending...

it is possible, of course, but it make's no sense for me
you see only some small changes on the section overview page, like a couple of wysiwygs

a better solution, in my eyes, a intern list - if i set the focus to a special module (maybe to edit wysiwyg), i add this module into a list and if i save this content, i remove this entry. And before i go to a new page, the cms check this list - is it empty, go to the new page, is it not empty, write a warning and marked this section(s) with a light red color.
i saw solutions like this in other systems, but mostly for a special item (for example: if i write a answer in a forum and leave the page without sending)

other solution: if i set the focus to a special modul and change there something (like a wysiwyg section), the save-button get a new color, so that you know, i have to save this - but the problem is: you have a reload after the save-process and lost possible other changes, but it is a reminder - dont forget to save...


just an idea.

Send all changes from all Moduls and sections with the save buttom to an new Modul (Publish-Modul), wich must be developped. In this modul you have then a list with all changed sections and you can decide to publish single sections or all changed sections at once.

At the moment, all changes in WB are online, as soon as they are saved, and every section must be seperately saved, wich is on pages with multiple sections not really comfortable. With a new "Publish-Modul" in combination with the Groups- an Usermangement of WB it then should be possible that users can make changes and they goes only online, when another User (can also be the same) in a second Step publish them.

As far as i remember there already exists a modul wich can store different version of WYSWYG-Sections. Maybe this can be the basis of such a "Publish Modul".

Just an Idea.


Thanx for the replies....

...but I am not sure if my request was grasped intirely.

In short: I want to be able, to edit in many different sections of a page at once - and then hit SAVE only ONCE.

Internal lists, or a "publish"-module does not solve this matter of user experience.

Just my five cents adding to what has been said so far.

Possible via ajax, but needs some module tweaking..


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