WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
BS_Naturak Slider Error
I haven't posted in some time. The site has been working really well. I handed it over to someone else to look after and they deleted some of the images. The site now has a slider error, which I cannot work out how to fix.
In the past, the slider just rotated through images (this is what I want it to do). Now the images have links underneath them (previous/next and 1/2/3)--these are links to the previous and next sliders.
Could someone please help me remove them?
The code for responsive slides.php is as follows. I just can't work out what is wrong:
--- Code: ---<?php if(!defined('WB_URL')) { header('Location: ../../../index.php'); exit(0); } ?>
<!-- banner -->
<div class="banner">
<!-- slider -->
<!-- img-slider -->
<div class="img-slider">
<script src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR; ?>/js/responsiveslides.min.js"></script>
$(function () {
// Slideshow 4
auto: true,
pager: true,
nav: true,
speed: 500,
namespace: "callbacks",
before: function () {
$('.events').append("<li>before event fired.</li>");
after: function () {
$('.events').append("<li>after event fired.</li>");
<!-- End-slider-script-->
<!-- Slideshow 4 -->
<div id="top" class="callbacks_container">
<ul class="rslides" id="slider4">
$theq = "SELECT * FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."pages` WHERE page_id IN (".$slider_page_ids.");" ;
$query_pages = $database->query($theq);
if($query_pages->numRows() < 1) {
//do nothing
} else {
$i = 0;
while($page = $query_pages->fetchRow()) {
$new_page_id = $page['page_id'];
$nr = $new_page_id; //Use $new_page_id OR $i for picture numbers. $i (1, 2, 3...) is easier to handle, $new_page_id is mor specific.
//Start output:
$l = '
<li><img class="img-responsive" src="'.$slider_image_base.$nr.'.jpg" alt="'.$page['menu_title'].'"></li>';
echo $l;
</ul> </div>
<div class="clearfix"> </div>
</div><!-- slider -->
</div><!-- end banner -->
--- End code ---
With many thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Emily
Gibt uns den Link für die Seite und sag uns auch welche Version WebsiteBaker hat und welche php-Version der Server hat.
Translate by DeepL
Give us the link for the page and tell us which version WebsiteBaker has and which php version the server has.
Hi hgs,
Thanks for getting back to me. The PhP version is 5.6. The WebsiteBaker version is 2.8.1.
Here is a link to the page:
Please let me know if you need anything else.
Thanks again!
Hi Emily,
Problem is the missing css-styles in
the validator say's, the file is empty and has no content inside
in the attachement the original template, unzip this file, open the css-file, called template.css, copy the whole content and paste it to your empty(?) file screen.css
maybe you have to change then some colors is this file
altenative solution: you have a backup somewhere with a file = screen.css
other solution: deactiva the navigation in the index.php of your template "bs_naturak" on this place (remove this red marked lines or set it to false) - both lines are actually on true
this remove the navigation in the slider
--- Quote ---$("#slider4").responsiveSlides({
auto: true,
pager: false,
nav: false,
speed: 500
--- End quote ---
P.S.: for the future....
it's recommended, to use the latest wb-version. At the moment, everything works, but it's possible, that you or the server administration upgrade the server and the old WB 2.8.1 will not longer work with the latest php-version. it is not possible, to upgrade your old version in one step to the latest wb, but dont worry, ask here for some help, if its needed
jacobi22, you are wonderful!
I hadn't even thought to check the screen.css file. I've no idea how it ended up blank.
I will update the site as soon as possible.
Thanks again!
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