WebsiteBaker Support (2.12.x) > Modules

Email subject in Miniform

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Hi all (especially Ruud),

is it somehow possible to add the content of a certain field in Miniform to the subject of the Email that is sent out?

For a client website I have an inquiry form that has a field "product" - and for each product page, I have the link to the form with the "?product=...", so that this certain field gets already filled in by clicking on the link. The client now requested that the name of the product is already in the SUBJECT of the email being sent to him, not only in the body, so it is easier for him to sort through these inquiries.

Is this somehow possible? (WB 2.12.1 / Miniform 0.14)


Hi, i'm also interested. Want use a droplet 'groupname' in the subject.

One way could be: put your wished content in a session variable.

--- Code: ---$_SESSION['miniform']['group'] = $wb->get_group_name();
--- End code ---

Put this to $subject in view.php line 49 (in my case the session variable is unnecessary).

--- Code: ---$subject = $settings['subject'].' '. $wb->get_group_name();
--- End code ---

Hmm... can you explain a little more in detail? The subject should be taken from a certain FIELD (input textfield) from the form. I don't understand where I define this session variable? In a droplet? In the view.php? In the form? Please explain....



Still searching for a solution here - can somebody help, please??? :-D


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