WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Templates problems in 2.11.0

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I installed 2.11.0 with no problem.
However many templates that were working well in 2.10 (1024px, All_css, simple_x, etc) are not working anymore.
Any idea why?
Thank you


the templates you have ar very old. Please check wich menu call is used. If show_menu() is used please switch to show_menu2().


if you are the Super-Admin in your WB-Installation: Go also to Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Server-Settings -> PHP-Errors - set it to Development or Production, to get more information about the errors

Thank you for the speedy replies, I will work with that and let you know the results.

Best regards

I had the same problem and changed to show_menu2() so the menu reappeared.
Now on the spot where I expected a menu item of a page with default template I get:
instead and
There was an uncatched exception
Unknown column '' in 'order clause'
in line (143) of (\modules\news\view.php):
where I expected a news item.
This was all done in a XAMPP test environment.

I would like to argue for maintaining at least one non responsive template for websites in WebsiteBaker.
Sometimes the overview that provides a non-responsive home page is an advantage.
Many smartphone users have no problem with the enlargement of the image with, for example, the menu as they are already used to viewing photos.
Responsive design does not always have to be preferred.
I would like to argue for continuing to maintain, for example, AllCSS as a non-responsive template; it would be nice if the possibility for an extra block were added.


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