WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Kan niet uploaden (template)

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Ik ben aan het stoppen met mijn bedrijfje en de laatste websites die ik nog moet afronden dienen zich aan.

Wat ik nu meemaak is uniek in mijn carrière :-) Ik probeer een template te installeren en krijg de melding
--- Quote ---kan niet uploaden
--- End quote ---
De permissies van de template folder zijn oké: rwxr-xr-x
Ik heb de admin/install folder tot 3x toe opnieuw geupload.
Ik heb de bestanden 3x opnieuw gezipt en getracht ze te installeren.
Ik heb geprobeerd met een ouder, bestaand, zip bestand van een werkende website op dezelfde server.
Tot nu toe hielp niets

Betreft een server (gehost) waarop een andere website prima functioneert en installeren geen probleem opleverde.
Beide installaties :

    Webserver Software: Linux ams054.yourwebhoste 3.10.0-714.10.2.lve1.5.8.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 4 17:07:11 EST 2018 x86_64
    PHP-Erweiterung: mysqli Dokumentation curl Dokumentation mbstring Dokumentation
    PHP-Version: 7.0.26
    WebsiteBaker-Version: 2.10.0

Hopelijk kan iemand me helpen en me in mijn eer herstellen :-)

normalize you get one  (detail)-message more, for example

Kan niet uploaden
--- End quote ---

requirements: filesize must be smaller than server setting upload_max_filesize - a lot of german provider have a upload_max_filesize with 2 Mb, not enough for bigger addons

WB-folder "temp" must be writable

if you upload the ZIP, the script builds a subfolder inside of temp-folder, called "unzip"
check this folder "temp" and delete everything in it
now install the addon again and look into the folder temp/unzip again, do you have the file there?

your error "Kan niet uploaden" come's nearly to the begin of the job, before the script unpack the file, so a wrong zip-structure is not the problem here

to the zip-structure....  the info.php must be in the root of the zip, not somewhere in a subfolder

Hello Uwe, thanks fot responding sop quick

No luck....

The file size is just a couple of kb's
The temp folder is 755
After deleting the present files/folders in /temp and (trying to) installing the template again I only find a subfolder called "cache"
The info.php is in the root of the zip

i read the code in the install.php again - the detailed error info (my last post) come's only for modules, not for templates

and the message "Kan niet uploaden" come's , if it's not possible to move the file from the HTTP POST into the folder "temp"

you can set the temp-folder to 777 for a try, but not recommended to leave it in 777, so change it back to 755

i remember, that we change something in the pclzip for the next wb-version, but it look's, that nothing was uploaded, maybe a mod-secure problem (?)

a solution for now:
- build a folder inside of /templates
- foldername: see info.php of your template in the zip
- reload the templates ( Addons -> Advanced)

Hoi Hans,

Wellicht aan gedacht om te uploaden rechtstreeks via je Server panel?

May be an idea to upload directly through the Server Dashboard panel? (e.g. Plesk or DirectAdmin).


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