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After login to a specific page?

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On a site I want the visitor to be referred to another page after login. Is that possible?


there is a redrect in core files, but I didnt see the option in backend.. You would need to change the core.


--- Quote ---there is a redrect in core files
--- End quote ---
I don't know what you mean by that. It is in the frontend that i want to send a user who logged in to an other page.

Normally the login page is shown when a user wants to access a page that has access set to registered.
Linking to that page will first show the login page and after a succesfull login it will redirect to the original linked page.

If you use a loginbox in a normal page you can add a hidden field (in the login form) that holds the url to be used after succesfull login.

The standard droplet to generate a loginform has this built in already.

--- Code: ---[[LoginBox?redirect=url]]
--- End code ---

So just put this droplet - with the redirect parameter - somewhere in your template or in a normal wysiwyg page.

Maybe I should explain the problem.
There are a number of user groups. Each user group must go to another OWN user group page after login.

As far as I can see I can't use the loginbox droplet because there is only room for a 'static' page there.

I'm now trying the template madoven, because there is already a login in the template, to get so far that it switches to another page after login.
Unfortunately I am not such a coder hence my question here. :|



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