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Language error in the upgrade from 2.83 to 2.10

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Thank you very much. The problem is that it's a lot of text ... I'm going to waste a lot of time altering .. Thanks

e na parte como corrijo? "organização e condições"

Is there no modolo or addons to ratify this situation? How do I change everything? I have the database in phpmyadmin is there that I have to change? Or in the web site tools themselves?

i understand, but i see no other way's. closing the project or convert to utf8.
the PHP-Group make's a recommendation for UTF8 since PHP 5.5.x and now, the whole world with other charsets have to go in this direction. it doesnt matter, what kind of cms you use, the problem is everywhere or it comes in the next weeks or months, when the server use a actual php- and mysql-version

if you have the problem only for the titles, it's the fastest solution, if you change it manually. if you have it everywhere in your project, maybe a php-converter can help, but it need a new import of the corrected / converted database and without guaranty, that everything works without problems then. a php-converter is a job for a expert, maybe, you ask the DEV's for help

--- Quote ---e na parte como corrijo? "organização e condições"
--- End quote ---

Where you have this? is it the name of a page or the title of the project?
normalize: edit page settings or project settings (wb-options)
Use the real name like organização e condições and save it. if the error comes back, the database table has the wrong collation and you have to set this to utf8_general_ci first


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