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Language error in the upgrade from 2.83 to 2.10

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I upgraded from version 2.8.3 to 2.10.0. It was excellent! However a problem arose in the buttons ... in some texts the accentuations were changing words ... for example where it appeared the ~ (til) or the sign of º some words have changed. In the admin tools the icon "settings & conditions!" Got all wrong, with errors ... as well as the pages where there were links. Is there any way to fix this?

please give us an example with a screenshot

a possible problem is maybe the wysiwyg-editor in some single modules like wysiwyg, news, bakery etc. older editors using htmlentities() to convert special chars like ~ or °
you can fix this directly in every section, correction of the content and save it again
or you change the wrong sign's directly in your database, but needs a long time to search if you not a expert

Images da linguagem textos alterados...

thanks for the pictures   (Y)

same solution like my answer in the last post

go to the pages overview and use there the icon for page settings

now correct the page- and menu-title, and if needed also the filename, im my example it's everywhere the word "bookmarks"

then use the button save & back and go to the next page

Background for this: WB use utf8 as default charset, but the content of your database use a different charset


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