WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop

can't preview thumbs product


Dear ALl..

im try create a new product ..and after upload photo ..i see success upload product to media

/media/bakery/images/item2   <-- ok test1.jpg test2.jpg and more...
/media/bakery/thumbs/item2     <-- not_found

and test direct to web :
No webpage was found for the web address:

let me know

pls add your PHP-, WB- and Bakery-Version

i understand, that the thumbfolder doesnt exist, correct?

bakery add the folders images && thumbs as subfolder of the folder "bakery" inside of your media-directory when you save the bakery main general settings
if you add a new item, bakery add two new, empty folders with the name item + item_id (for example: item2, item3 etc) in the folder bakery/images && folder bakery/thumbs. can you confirm this?? it cannot be a permission problem, because, it works for the image-folder in the same main directory
if one of this two paths are not reachable, bakery rebuild (normalize) this path to the item-folders like item2, if you upload a new picture

pls add a new item for a test and check this folders via ftp or in your media administration.

P.S.: maybe, its important... do you change the name of your media-directory (possible in WB-Options)? default name is media if YES, maybe a hardcoded path to build the folders is a problem, but check it first


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