WebsiteBaker Support (2.10.x) > General Help & Support

Error: Field 'page_code' doesn't have a default value

<< < (2/6) > >>

Where does this error message appear?
Can you give us a screenshot?
I have just tested it without problems. (Php 7.0.20)


OK thanks.
At the back end is an ICON "red X" to see, please times by mouse click open and the error messages post.
Sorry for the Google English

this error occurs on saving a new or modified page where no entry for 'page_code' is given.
possible error: - on upgrading not all files in /admin/pages/* are overwritten completely
solution: use FTP and upload these folders from original packet again.

other possibility: a theme file for admin/pages is corrupted or modified in a wrong way.
solution: reinstall the theme from original packet

@ zirzy: do you use the module mod_multilingual?


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