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Error: Field 'page_code' doesn't have a default value

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Thanks for help boys! (Y)

--- Quote ---@ zirzy: do you use the module mod_multilingual?
--- End quote ---
No, why?

--- Quote ---his error occurs on saving a new or modified page where no entry for 'page_code' is given.
possible error: - on upgrading not all files in /admin/pages/* are overwritten completely
solution: use FTP and upload these folders from original packet again.

other possibility: a theme file for admin/pages is corrupted or modified in a wrong way.
solution: reinstall the theme from original packet
--- End quote ---
Yes, I was thinking the same because if I remember correct there was something weird in upgrade..

--- Quote ---OK thanks.
At the back end is an ICON "red X" to see, please times by mouse click open and the error messages post.
Sorry for the Google English
--- End quote ---
Thanks for help. I will do that  :-)

I will return to this problem on monday..


--- Quote ---   
--- Quote from: jacobi22 ---@ zirzy: do you use the module mod_multilingual?
--- End quote ---

No, why?
--- End quote ---
I wondered where this field came from, but it is now part of the WB package, although it is not needed, but only in mod_multilingual


--- Quote from: hgs on September 01, 2017, 10:07:05 AM ---I did not have this error yet.
Can you give us more information?

--- End quote ---

this error comes only, if you use MYSQL-STRICT-Mode on this server, but i'm sure, its solved in WB 2.10
see answer from Darkviper


--- Quote ---this error occurs on saving a new or modified page where no entry for 'page_code' is given.
possible error: - on upgrading not all files in /admin/pages/* are overwritten completely
solution: use FTP and upload these folders from original packet again.
--- End quote ---
This did not work..

--- Quote ---other possibility: a theme file for admin/pages is corrupted or modified in a wrong way.
solution: reinstall the theme from original packet
--- End quote ---
Where can I get latest default theme?


--- Quote ---this error comes only, if you use MYSQL-STRICT-Mode on this server
--- End quote ---
MySQL strict mode is active..


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