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Two websites working perfect under SAFE MODE

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I love that DHTML menu. Is that something that you are willing to share?


--- Quote ---I love that DHTML menu. Is that something that you are willing to share?
--- End quote ---
You can find it and the template's index.php:


--- Quote from: gokcer on April 14, 2006, 05:13:07 PM
A website for an advertising company, in Turkish Language... Cool horizantal DHTML menu and cool horizantal design.

--- End quote ---

Wow, your page re-sizes my browser.. As a web user/designer I'll tell you this much, resizing peoples browser is a crappy move.. You may want to change that.

(Using FF 1.5.2)


The Flash menu looks really cool but I believe that it falls under the heading of "mystery meat navigation" at Web Pages that Suck.


--- Quote from: gokcer on April 14, 2006, 05:13:07 PM
Flash menu... Html Frames... every page is built on same template, same css file; but different css style. A personel site of young and famous creative director, in Turkish Language.
A website for an advertising company, in Turkish Language... Cool horizantal DHTML menu and cool horizantal design.

--- End quote ---
As with the Flash menu the "cool" DHTML menu has problems. It doesn't work with JavaScript turned off, which accounts for about 10% of web users. It's perfectly possible to create DHTML menus that give first level links even with JavaScript turned off.

Not counting the problems inherent in using frames, your ardaerdik site should have a no-flash menu option for those who don't have the proper Flash plugin.

Your design skills are excellent. But a good website is more than good design. Good websites really need to take usability and accessibility into account, too. Fortunately, the problems you have are fixable with a little work.


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