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Two websites working perfect under SAFE MODE
--- Quote from: gokcer on May 10, 2006, 08:44:29 AM ---
If we talk about a portal, an internet magazine or an e-commerce system you're absolutely right about easy navigating. Also this site is not an advertising portal; this site is an advertising by itself, like the sites of Nike, Cocacola, Ferrari, Pepsi ... etc. Check out them. Those are billion dolars budgeted companies. And all of them works with the best marketing professionals in the world. Can you say these sites are out of date? If you say you may hear that "The criterions of being a trademark's site or a portal is different. Like the difference between a newspaper and a poster. We make posters and you say:' These are not good newspapers' :) Portals have more temporary and up to date information that the aim is to give them purely. But our aim is to inject our marks to people's brain. And the best injector for "mark injection" is "idea". Nobody remembers or change his shopping prefences between different marked equal products with pure and easy information."
I want you to check out my another site that had been finalist of "sectoral section golden web award" in Turkey: This company has two websites. The other one is only for information about products. This one is an advertising only. And I have had many custumers that's why this site is in my portfolio. They say that and it's the money.
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If your customer wants the site the way it is then, you've done a nice job. It is quite attractive.
Yes, I can say that Coke, Pepsi and Ferrari are out of date. There are two issues here.
One, they have already established brand names and don't have to rely on SEO for traffic. With the millions they spend on advertising, they can pretty much ignore the day-to-day concerns of the small website owner.
Two, their advertising executives are not web savvy. I have done usability testing for a couple of Fortune 500 companies and can honestly say that they are mostly run by older white men who learned advertising before the web came about. They don't know and don't really care. It goes back to the huge advertising budget issue.
As to winning awards, those are given by and for designers. A great design doesn't have to necessarily work well to win awards. It only has to be beautiful and hopefully offer something novel.
From seeing your work, I understand that you have spend a lot of time learning your craft. Your site is beautiful. When you were polishing your design skills, I was in the computer lab watching end users get confused by web pages. So I focus more on interface usability than on beauty. Hopefully, it is possible to do both but my choice will generally be for ease of use first.
And you don't even have to use iframes. You can get the same look on a page by using the CSS property position: static. A touch of JavaScript even makes it work in IE. (ugly as can be but it works)
--- Quote ---And you don't even have to use iframes. You can get the same look on a page by using the CSS property position: static. A touch of JavaScript even makes it work in IE. (ugly as can be but it works)
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Thanks for the example; that is similiar to what I used in; but i didn't understand why did you give that example, because i use iframes for wrapping (if "very" necessary) like WB do, not to make scroll bars.
--- Quote ---From seeing your work, I understand that you have spend a lot of time learning your craft. Your site is beautiful. When you were polishing your design skills, I was in the computer lab watching end users get confused by web pages. So I focus more on interface usability than on beauty. Hopefully, it is possible to do both but my choice will generally be for ease of use first.
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Thanks again, I've visited your homesite and some sites in your portfolio, too :) Your design and programming skills are good, too. I am an advertiser at all. The perception and "media abilities" of my target audience is the most important data for me as I wrote before. And as I wrote before "almost none of my visitors" have technical or confusion problems. The language of the sites may make the sites to seem convoluted for visitors to you.
--- Quote ---As to winning awards, those are given by and for designers. A great design doesn't have to necessarily work well to win awards. It only has to be beautiful and hopefully offer something novel.
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You are wrong, you can check it: But another confusion may occur because of language again :) It was given in several categories like portals, e-commerce, commercial sites, personal sites, multimedia applications etc... There are many professionals from media, advertising, publishing, information tech., internet tech. etc ... sectors and managers & CEO's from many sectors like textile, construction, entertainment etc ... and also some academicians from the communication, marketing and computer engineering departments of international universities.
--- Quote ---Two, their advertising executives are not web savvy. I have done usability testing for a couple of Fortune 500 companies and can honestly say that they are mostly run by older white men who learned advertising before the web came about. They don't know and don't really care. It goes back to the huge advertising budget issue.
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I dont know with which companies you've done your tests, but in my country older white men manages only protocol, while younger genius men managing the companies and strategies. Maybe that's the point where I am, as an multimedia designer :) Web sites are a little part of our companies. But old men accept to spent more money for their web sites than the "easy portals" to be original, interesting, "maybe confusing" every year. And this makes me love web designing: make art, confuse sheep brains, earn money :) (It reminds me Renaissance) Sure, sometimes the work is about a portal or an online magazine in advertising agencies, and to work with some "easy navigation expert" programmers" can be prefered to finish this boring work.
--- Quote ---One, they have already established brand names and don't have to rely on SEO for traffic. With the millions they spend on advertising, they can pretty much ignore the day-to-day concerns of the small website owner.
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They work with great multimedia agencies with great budgets, and most of the multimedia agencies built project teams including designers, multimedia directors, programmers, creatives, strategists etc. They care because they spend great money. But near the entire company the care may seem small to you.
--- Quote ---Yes, I can say that Coke, Pepsi and Ferrari are out of date. There are two issues here.
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I dont think so ...
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