WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop
Error while attempting to email customer
I am setting up a relatively small shop using Bakery v1.78 on top of WB 2.8.3+7. Mostly it appears to work well, though I did find that the "view_order.php" file was missing from the v1.78 Zip file I downloaded. I simply uploaded the same file from the v1.77 Zip file and it now works.
However, when viewing the Order Administration: Current Orders Modify/Delete page and I tap the "Send Invoice as an HTML email" icon under "Actions", a popup message asks: "Do you want to email this customer invoice?" When I answer "OK" I am served with a new page containing just the following message:
There was an uncatched exception Error in line (107) of (/modules/bakery/library/premailer.php):
Just to clarify this a little further, this issue existed prior to my uploading of "view_order.php".
I would welcome any helpful suggestions as to how I might fix this.
Thanks for the bug report. I will fix it in next version.
Premailer is an onllne preflight service for html e-mail that makes css inline, converts links and warns about unsupported code. Bakery makes an http request to premailer using curl. If premailer returns other than http code 201 it will fail.
Check if is online.
Check if curl is working as expected on your server webspace.
Hi freeSbee!
Thank you for the quick response. I'll look forward to the fix.
In the mean time, I have no trouble navigating to and it appears that cURL 7.29.0 is working.
Thanks again,
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