WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop
PayPal: Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later.
Scrap that comment I made above, I obviously didn't read freeSbee's post properly (my fault). :oops:
I did those instructions i.e.
1. modules/bakery/payment_methods/paypal/ipn.php -> changed line 33 to $debug = true; // Enable debug mode
2. Saved and re-uploaded ipn.php to its place.
3. Enabled CHMOD 777 on ipn.log in the same directory.
4. Deleted all cache, cookies, history, etc. in Firefox and closed it.
5. Re-opened Firefox (and on Chrome) and made a purchase in the online shop.
6. Still get the PayPal error message when redirected to PayPal for the payment.
7. Checked ipn.log and it is still an empty file.
The PayPal account has been verified with no restrictions in place now.
I'm stuck!
Please check if you have set the PayPal payment settings properly at
WebsiteBaker backend > Select a "Module Bakery" page > "Payment Methods" > "Modify Payment Method" > select "PayPal"
At least your email address you use at PayPal must match.
Yep, the emails match. Also made sure of spellings!
I even tried using another friend's PayPal account That has been used many times before, replacing the IPN page address, redirect address and PDT token, and still not getting anywhere. Does this mean something on the website's end, and not PayPal, is the problem?
I also tried renaming my existing /bakery directory, then uploaded a clean, unmodded /bakery directory and (after deleting cache, etc.) tried making a purchase, and still getting the error message. I am wondering if it might be on PayPal after all. More investigation needed (by me).
PENDING: I have found out that the hosting package might need to be upgraded due to PayPal's change in TLS operation, so I am also checking this out, though I might not get back here for a day yet. I am going to contact the hosting vendor, who offers the upgrade (on to Next Generation (NG) Linux package) and see what happens there.
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