WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop

"The fields highlighted in red are blank." But the red is not showing



On my form for a new website, during the checkout part I found that for certain fields that are required, if they are blank and I get the error message "The fields highlighted in red are blank. Please enter the required information.", the fields are not red i.e. they look the same as the other fields. On the Overdrive template, latest bakery version. Everything is fine (from what I can tell) in bakery/frontend.css for warning and success colours.


Hi, thanks for the info.

Or want you help?  :-)
Give us a link. Seems the template.css is "stronger" as the form-css.

Yep, brain not running at 100% this morning!

You're right dbs, the style.css (Overdrive template) was overriding the form's CSS with the property:

--- Code: ---.form input, .form textarea, .form select {
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    color: #333333;
    font-weight: bold;
    margin-top: 14px;
--- End code ---

Removing the background-color: #FFFFFF; was enough to get the field back to red again. Thanks!


if you want, try a !important behind the color-definition in bakery-frontend.css like color:#ff0000 !important


--- Quote from: jacobi22 on February 04, 2017, 02:21:17 PM ---if you want, try a !important behind the color-definition in bakery-frontend.css like color:#ff0000 !important

--- End quote ---

I'll try that, thanks jacobi. :)


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