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Book publisher's website
Fixed. (Well, I think it is anyway :-) ) Would appreciate if you checked again!
Top is top. Logo, menu, search is there. (Y)
Bottom is now a sitemap or the complete menu.
--- Quote from: dbs on March 04, 2017, 12:00:19 PM ---Top is top. Logo, menu, search is there. (Y)
Bottom is now a sitemap or the complete menu.
--- End quote ---
Ah, one class forgotten. Should be fixed now too. Thanks for checking!!
All top. (Y) :-)
--- Quote from: sky writer on March 04, 2017, 02:54:16 AM ---Fair enough. I wan't trying to be critical. Like I said I think the site looks good on desktop.
Is the screen shot I included previously (as it appears on my tablet) the intended view of the Mobile site? Again, I'm not being critical, I'm just puzzled at the total elimination of all the full site header branding (and of course the navigation which I guess you need to fix for my viewport).
--- End quote ---
I truly appreciate critical views from other 'web-people'. We tend to look at websites in a different way the average user does. So don't hold back :-)
The screen shot you posted did indeed not reflect the intended view of the mobile site. I've made some changes now, and the mobile menu as well as the mobile header (+ branding and search) should appear on all viewports below 768 pixels. From 768 and up it should show the normal desktop-design.
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