WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Is this possible in showmenu2?
Hi all,
Show-menu2 is still a mystery for me. I can't find a clear manual so I hope one of you can answer me.
I want a menu witch looks something like this: (HTML)
--- Code: ---<ul>
<li><a href="index.html">Homepage</a></li>
<span class="menu-expand">Submenu</span-->
<li><a href="#">sub #1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">sub #2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">sub #3</a></li>
--- End code ---
It is an off-grid thing the main menu-items are in sight and on mouse click (span submenu) the submenu's are showing themselves.
Is this possible or am I over asking?
Basically you want submenus to 'fold out' on mouse-over?
Yes that's possible. Look at the demo (and I believe even the standard issued templates do just that)
if i remember correct, the demo page at opensourcecms use a older wb-version, please look at this in the backend (not possible for me in the moment - too many connections)
@ John: what is #1, #2# #3? anchor links?
Hello Jacobi22,
--- Quote ---@ John: what is #1, #2# #3? anchor links?
--- End quote ---
They are menu items could also be page 1, page 2, page 3.
The link <a href="#"> is just put there to let you see that I have to put a real link in place.
I will look at the demopage and let you know if it is working..
@ codealot
--- Quote ---Basically you want submenus to 'fold out' on mouse-over?
Yes that's possible. Look at the demo (and I believe even the standard issued templates do just that)
--- End quote ---
No not to fold with mouse over, because it would not be nice on smaller devices. On mouse click the menu has to unfold.
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