WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Design for additional page content
I have a question about design. I'd like to put some standard content in a second column.
I think I should be able to do this by adding a <div> in the index.php code for my template next to the code for presenting page content. The existing <div> is:
--- Code: ---<div>
<?php echo $page_contentMain; ?>
--- End code ---
It has a class, where I make it the left column.
I added a second column, where I put the login box (like this):
--- Code: ---<div>
--- End code ---
This also has a class that makes it the right column. The login box shows up and works.
I'd like to add standard code after the login box, but I don't want to define it in the template. I'd like to pick it up from a table and display it here.
My design question is: what's the best way to store and get this HTML code? What I'm looking for is something analogous to what WB does with $page_contentMain.
It would help if I could see the definitions of ob_start(), page_content(), and ob_get_clean(), but I don't see them in the files I have.
Does anyone have any advice on how to do this? Thanks for any assistance!
I'm on WB 2.8.3+SP7 (r1646) and MySQL 5.5.52-38.3-log (with charset UTF-8 Unicode).
have a look here:
Maybe it helps a bit.
I did get information on ob_get_clean() and similar functions from That should help.
Thanks for the link, Ruud. I think that will help!
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