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StormVisions (Updated)


Been working on this a bit here and there and it has gone through several evolutions.

Trying for a more relaxed/fun look than what I had. Also working to make the blog, gallery and downloads page which use external scripts appear as much a part of the site as possible. The downloads page is about right now though the menu on the downloads page - which I use a hidden WB page to spawn- and then include it sometimes doesn't appear but refresh and it does. Not sure why.

I also had a crazy couple hours trying to getting the borders and spacing on the search form area to look the same in firefox and IE but obsession paid off and I finally came up with the answer using the tiresome trial and error method - out of school this week and you see how I spend my free time.  :|

Interesting site.  How did you integrate Gallery version 2?  Did you use inline frames or the Gallery integration code?


I used the wrapper mod. I had to fiddle with thumbnail size, number of columns and a tiny bit of css to make it fit nice.

The Home Page was quite colorful wasn't it? The entire spectrum was represented.

What I got was very different from what I thought I was getting. When I saw m I envisioned something relating to storms.

""Creativity is in the wind" ... " What does this mean? I've experienced wind many times but creativity never came to mind.

I know everyone likes the idea of having a search box on their website because it makes them feel Googlish. But how necessary is it really?

Also, when someone takes the trouble to come to your Website, why are you so anxious to get them to leave? "Web Search" "Amazon Store". Let the other Websites get their own visitors. Are they linking to your site? No, then why help increase their search ranking by linking to theirs. Again, very little people are going to make any money selling as an affiliate.

Very colorful and fun.

One simple recommendation: If you give your header image a height and width, the page won't jump as it loads.


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