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Find the REVAMDS Easter Egg and get a free Serial License!
Hi nbiz,
I'll think now its too late...for a second license... :wink:
Searched like a dog... da hole day for da f....g eggs :wink:
Hi Tez Oner,
in respect to all of your (hard) work.
My posting(-s) today only was fun. :wink:
Have a nice day.
Tez Oner:
Hey Justy,
--- Quote ---...searched and spent the whole night & day ;-) to find the (damn) easter egg-(s) on your webspace, but couldn't find any egg(-s)...are you shure you aren't kidding the WB-community? ...any hint to find it?
Really disappointed.... Mustn't have the free license but want to find da f.ckin egg. ;-)
--- End quote ---
First of all I never (try) to make fun of others but you leave me no choice :roll: hehehe
there actually still is one Easter Egg on the website and they have been found already
by Nibz and Jacob22 so.... the fact u didnt found em, says more about u heheehhe :lol:
Some hint; it looks like an egg!
Tez Oner
Thanks for the present :lol:
...sorry for disturbin'....awaked from the easter-coma ;-)
First of all,
I'll never try too, like you Tez Oner, to make fun about other people(hope you read the PN).
Especially not about WB-Community-members...and I've ask the next 2 people(for which I'm creatin a new homepage for free) - push the "Donate"-button for the
The WB-members/-team do the great job.....
The donations(subject for transaction - "easter-eggs") should arrive in the next / few weeks/ (don't hope month(-s) )....when I'm ready with the pages.
Hope this is ok for everybody?
I also know that an (easter-egg) not necessarily must be oval. ;-)
Congratulations to the winners of the license(-s)!
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